compound bow tiller
Tiller is the specific arc of the limb as it bends. Make sure the arrow is level when shooting. The arrows are going to hit low. They are located in large circular knobs that connect the bow’s limbs to the riser. (Probably the #1 question we get). 6. Loosening the bolt increases the measure-ment. Remove bow from plastic bag and remove the owner’s guide and other promotional material from the bow. Tie the hose to the cable nearest the string using a lark’s head knot. 0000000958 00000 n Is there a difference between tuning a wheel bow and a cam bow? If the arrows hit to the right of the plumb bob string (Figure 2), move the arrow rest in small increments to the left until the arrows are hitting within ½” of the string for the intermediate shooter and ¼” for the advanced shooter. Using the nocking loop and the rest adjustment, set the arrow horizontal so that it is parallel to the alignment mark on the window of the bow and passes in front of the arrow rest mounting hole. 16. If you shoot split finger hook, start with 1/4″ positive tiller. 0000001111 00000 n Tiller is the distance between the bow limbs and the string. To begin paper tuning your bow you must set up a frame covered with paper. (8) With recurves and longbows, the bottom limb is a quarter to a half-inch closer to the string than the top. Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/6 Steps MASTER-OVERVIEW. 11. Insert the peep through the string halves and slide to the desired location. Always place your compound bow on the ground in a safe position, then climb into your stand. Cut a 5” piece from the rope provided and burn each end into small balls to prevent slippage. Bow Advisor ©️ Copyright Bow Advisor ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We may earn commissions for purchases made through our links (no added cost for you). Once the length is established, cut off excess rope, untie the cow-hitch knot burn the end of the rope into a ball and retie the knot. 15. The distance from the riser to the string, as shown in the photo below, should be the same for both the top and bottom limbs. Historical Perspective: How to shoot a bow? Checking to time for bows equipped with a twin-cam system: While drawing the bow, both cams must roll over at precisely the same time. A simple, systematic method for checking the tiller (evenness of bending) and draw weight of a wooden bow before you even string it. 10. For most target archers this usually results in … Number 5 talks about the Tiller adjustments. Recheck all screws and bolts to ensure tightness. ... Set tiller: Check tiller … TOXOPHILITE 5 Topics Expand. tiller di un compound con due carrucole varia solo l'angolo tra flettenti e impugnatura, senza modificare quanto un flettente lavora in rapporto all'altro. Tie another overhand knot in the 5” rope 1-1/8” from the first knot. Install the sight following carefully the instructions provided with the sight. … With the bubble in the leveling device centered, adjust the sight so that the bubble in the sight is centered. Recheck steps 5, 6 and 7 in sequence until everything is correct. Bow tiller. Set tiller: Check tiller in compound bow setup & tuning procedure before making any other adjustments. Best Crossbow under 400 (In-depth reviews – 2021). You can find limb bolts in the area near the center of the compound bow. Is the timing and tiller in the right place? 1. You can technically click the release directly on the string, but there are many reasons not to do so. %PDF-1.3 %���� This thing is important in compound bow setup and allows for use of multiple pins. Install the arrow rest carefully following the instructions for the rest. Mount arrow rest to the bow utilizing the Posi-Lock feature if available. LEARN. So, you need to keep this compound bow setup & tuning procedure point in mind. TILLER AND BOW WEIGHT SET UP All compound bows come with the facility to can change bow weight and tiller set up. You can start this process by putting the scope on the sight. Use the nylon serving provided to serve below the peep. Tightly serve an area on the downward-traveling buss cable going down a minimum distance of 1¼” starting 1½” below the shelf. As an approximate measurement, a starting point, of anywhere between equal to 1/4". 0000005133 00000 n trailer << /Size 28 /Info 10 0 R /Root 13 0 R /Prev 60546 /ID[<43d14a7f065ba371909826d135f8b808><0a368d535a120796c534cd9e0a95f78b>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 13 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 9 0 R /Metadata 11 0 R /PageLabels 8 0 R >> endobj 26 0 obj << /S 50 /L 99 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 27 0 R >> stream Shooting a compound bow without a release. Make sure your backstop is far enough behind the paper to allow the arrow to pass completely through the paper. After you secure yourself in the treestand with a safety harness, use a hoist rope attached to your compound bow to pull your bow up into the stand. Tie in the peep with serving material. 0000001258 00000 n Which bow and arrow should i use? Slip the 5” rope through one end of the spring and tie an overhand knot at the end of the rope. 9. Tightening a bolt will decrease the measurement for the end of the bow that the bolt is on. For left-handed archers: Arrow shaft too weak. Overall, compound bows tend to be fairly technical pieces of equipment. 4. This may indicate that: Low Tear: If the fletched end of the arrow tears the paper below where the tip penetrates. Paper Tuning Distance 2: 10-11 ft. It was a good start that I wish had when I first got my bow. With compounds bow tuning it isn’t so critical, so I suggest you start with even tiller. 14. Turn both limb bolts equal amounts for the initial setting. I highly recommend Archer's Advantage!" The timing mark location varies with the bow model and draws length. Example: if the string is to the rear of the timing mark at the top cam it should be approximately the same distance to the rear on the bottom cam. Inspect the bow to ensure that the cables and string are in their tracks on the cam and attached to the posts properly. After compound bow setup, paper tuning the bow is a good starting point. Any reference to tiller has always been a muted subject. 0000000667 00000 n 18. If the distance varies more than 1/8”, adjust the limb bolts the same amount in OPPOSITE directions until the tiller is correct. Required fields are marked *. 9. These are all important. Compound Bow Set-Up & Tuning Procedure Rev 02/12/08 1. same height above the rest as the difference between top and bottom tiller measurements. Bows equipped with this slot can utilize the rest’s Posi- Lock feature to locate the arrow rest securely into position. Compound Bow Compound bow brace height, tiller difference etc. Lubricants will attract and hold dirt, dust and grit that will impair the performance, longevity and accuracy of your compound bow. One such adjustment is that which pertains to your bow’s draw weight. Best Crossbow for Deer Hunting (In-depth reviews), Best Crossbow for the Money (In-depth reviews), Best Crossbow for Women (In-depth reviews), Best Crossbow under $500 (In-depth reviews – 2021), Best Crossbow under 300 (In-depth crossbow reviews), Best Crossbow on a Budget (In-depth reviews). If the distance is the same, no adjustment is required. There are paper tuning, tiller tuning, line tuning, and camera tuning. A crossbow is essentially a bow mounted on an elongated frame (called a tiller or stock) with a built-in mechanism that holds the drawn bow string, as well as a trigger mechanism that allows the string to be released.. Chinese vertical trigger lock. In other words no-one really knows. Adjust the third axis of the sight. Check the arrow vane clearance from the cables prior to the final set of arrow rest and adjust the cable guard so that there is between 1/16” and 3/16” clearance. 2. In this Cabela's Archery University episode, our Cabela Outfitter shows how to adjust your bow to your weight with a bow tiller. 2. Read the Owner’s Guide before using the product. Set Draw weight: Adjust draw weight to the desired level is very important in the compound bow setup. spray WD-40 or other lubricants on the wheels, axles or other parts or your compound bow. QUEST-M. SHOOT-M. With both recurve and compound bows, you can change the arrow rest, configure the tiller and tune the sight. Thread starter geoffretired; Start date Aug 11, 2018; G. geoffretired Supporter. NOTE: Do not shoot your bow with the limb bolts more than 5 turns out from the riser. Remove the bow from the shipping box. The sight tapes are invaluable to me in field shooting. Traditional Bow. Back up to 30 yards (or more). For example, if the difference (a-b) in Figure 1-3 is 4mm, set the nocking point 4mm high. Aside from bare shaft tuning, there are other ways you can tune your compound bow. Orientation marks will not line up if the string is on the “+” post or the “-“ post of the cam. Your email address will not be published. Cut hose length so that it is slightly taut when stretched from the peep at full draw to the cable nearest the string. Inconsistent shooting form. Adjust the bow so that it is level. Draw the bow to see if the launcher lifts to its most upright position. The rope should be shortened until the rest comes to its full upright position in the last 1½” to 3” of the draw. Tie an overhand knot in one end of the rope and slip the rope through the hole in the rest. 4. Tiller Tuning for Recurve Bow and Longbows. Once you understand how a compound bow works it will be much easier to work on it and you will make fewer mistakes. Compound Bow. First of … After you have made your test shot, compare the hole in the paper with the following samples: Note: The following corrective steps apply to release aid shooters and are only the common causes of arrow flight problems. Read the Owner’s Guide before using the product. Set peep height and tie in the peep. Is the nocking point in the right place? To add a final “fine” tune to the bow: You can also visit our articles on the best compound bow for the money, best compound bow under 500, best compound bow on a budget, best youth compound bow, best compound bow for beginners, and the best womens compound bow. The bow is not truly tuned until it groups. And this is a critical measurement. 0000000938 00000 n Even though paper tuning is not the end-all method of gaining perfect arrow flight, it is a guideline and a good starting point for achieving that goal. Remove the bow from the plastic bag and remove the owner’s guide and other promotional material from the bow. This tells you the fundamentals, what you can actually change/adjust on your compound bow or target bow. Check all screws and bolts to ensure they are not loose, including rubber dampers and cam modules and/or inner cams. Understanding Tiller. For all styles of arrow rests set the center shot adjustment on the rest so that the arrow is parallel to the alignment mark. To adjust your tillering stand around 5 metres from a target butt and at full draw aim at a … This may indicate that: Arrow rest is adjusted too far to the left. After the compound bow setup, it must be tuned to be able to achieve maximum accuracy. 0000002667 00000 n However, the tiller 0000001667 00000 n Further “fine” tuning may be desired. Sight Your Bow. Push the hose onto the peep so that it completely covers the rod. However, any savvy individual armed with basic knowledge regarding how a compound bow functions, can make minor adjustments to their bow without the need to visit an archery shop. 5. Supporter. On all Martin compound bows, “0” tiller will shoot perfectly. 0000002706 00000 n C'è differenza tra regolare un compound a carrucole rispetto ad uno a camme? Place a leveling device on a flat surface of the sight mounting bracket. Basically, the bottom limb is drawn a bit farther than the top limb each shot and the top limb gets a … MASTER 6 Topics Expand. Procedures differ for finger shooters. Checking draw stops for bows equipped with a Hybrid Cam System: With the bow at full draw, and the split harness cable making contact with the draw stop on the bottom cam, the control cable should also be making contact with the flat portion of the module on the upper cam.
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