
Hosea is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. For many readers this makes reading the largely poetic books like Hosea a challenge. The book of Hosea stands first in the division of the Bible called the Book of the Twelve (in the Apocrypha cf. (1:1) • Husband of Gomer. Be sure to read any other Bible passages that are called out in the notes. Hosea bible study - page 2 a) Oracle – A prophet acted as a messenger or an oracle from God. 3. Review all of the notes in the Hosea lesson. Thus, his active ministry ceased a few years before Assyria carried the northern kingdom into captivity (in 722 B.C.). In a real-life metaphor, God calls Hosea to marry a prostitute who is a picture of Israel’s promiscuity, whoredom, and adulterous heart. The Dictionary observes that this “would make the prophets ministry extend over a period of about fifty-eight years. 2Douglas Stuart, Hosea-Jonah, p. xliii. All discussoin questions are in orange. This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3.7.3 Client Academic. Hosea was a citizen of the northern kingdom and his personal experience was designed by God to be an example to his nation. Bible scholars do not agree on the extent of Hosea’s ministry. Commentary on Hosea by John Calvin. Welcome to the online version of the Hosea Bible Study! The 7 of The Expositor's Bible Commentary, p. 163, and idem, The Prophets of Israel, p. 276. Ecclesiasticus 49:10; see essay, p. 1790) or the Minor Prophets (a name referring to the brevity of these books as compared to Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel). He may 1Leon Wood, "Hosea," in Daniel-Minor Prophets, vol. Hosea son of Beeri prophesied about the middle of the eighth century B.C., his ministry beginning during or shortly after that of Amos. Hosea Inductive Bible Study Guide – Small Group Studies with Discussion Questions. However it's not that simple in chapters 1-3 we see a mix of narrative and poetry. Hosea was a younger contemporary of Amos. Thankfully, in the book of Hosea, we see God’s scandalous grace on display in several ways: We’ll see Hosea warn Israel of God’s soon, swift, and coming judge-ment that will carry them into exile. Another possibility is that Hosea did this because he regarded the Judean kings as Israel's legitimate kings 8in contrast to those of the North. The site is set up where you can easily access the weekly reading/discussions from the sidebar. and Hezekiah’s death at 690 B.C. God instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute, have children with 4. Hosea utters approximately 150 statements concerning the The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary dates the beginning of Hosea’s public life at 748 B.C. The quiz is “open book”. Hosea was a contemporary of two Southern Kingdom prophets: • Isaiah • Micah. God called Hosea to be a prophet, but his method of delivery would not consist of only words—Hosea would actively demonstrate God’s faithfulness to His unfaithful people. Hosea was: • The son of Beri. Go to the Quiz page and follow the instructions to complete all the questions on the quiz. Study the Hosea passage for this lesson, by reading the verses and studying the notes. 2. Hosea’s ministry took place during the latter divided kingdom period before the Assyrian exile of the Northern Kingdom and the Babylonian exile of the Southern Kingdom. Hosea’s ministry extended from about (770 to 725 B.C.). You can also go here to print the entire study. It is divided into several lessons, usually covering one Bible chapter. We thought this would be a fun, easy (and free) way to engage in a Bible study with others. b) Oracle - Can also be used to refer to the message, wisdom or knowledge the prophet gives. (1:3) • Father of two sons and one daughter. Hosea Bible Study Living for the Weekend 2 Hosea Bible Study Living for the Weekend This booklet has been put together for you to use either in your own personal Bible Study time, or… to help you lead a Bible Study discussion group. In the Bible, a prophet delivered God’s message to God’s people.

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