
It’s amazing the laws that are still on the books that MUST have made sense at the time but are absolutely hilarious today! Not just illegal, but potentially a felony. That said, most motorists — even those who’ve been driving for a very long time — seem unaware that you can also break the speed limit by going too slow. To some people actually going the speed limit is too slow. Forbes has several other similar cases here if you think you can keep your blood pressure under control. Shaking and beating doormats in the street is fine, providing you shake and beat them before 8am. We are not liable for any HIPAA violations. Obsolete laws help make harmless acts criminal and keep power in the hands of the authorities. You’ll forget about paperwork when you try PDFfiller. New trick-or-treat laws still pop up from time to time, mostly regarding curfews and parental accompaniment. If you describe something as outdated, You mean that you think it is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant to modern life. Acts of yore: The outdated laws that have been repealed Ban on criticism of Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn is one of 60,000 laws repealed Mon, … Sec. (Morrow), 11. Aside from the obvious legal drinking age, there is also how much you can buy, when you can buy it, and who you can buy it with. Alabama’s “fake mustache law,” wherein it’s said to be illegal to make a person in church laugh by wearing a fake mustache on Sunday, is a prime example of “Blue Laws.” (Never mind the fact that there is no mention of mustaches or church in the actual statute.) It’s known as the city’s “peep show” ordinance. I had actually heard that it’s illegal to go too slow, that at least makes some kind of sense, which is more than you can say for most of these. The extent to which the U.S. is a Christian nation is a subject of debate, but you can’t deny its influence no matter where you stand. Though, if they had banned self-righteous households from handing out floss and apples instead of candy, the world would be a better place. But unlike in other states, cheating in Michigan is against the law. We do not know! …but I think I just changed my mind. But all are funny! Hahahaha! We detected that you're using an older version of Internet Explorer. I really enjoyed this post too. That should be reserved for Iron Fist. Unless you have a first edition of Black's Law Dictionary, those old books are probably good for little more than decoration at your office.They do look nice along a blank wall, until somebody notices they are criminally outdated. In comments to CNN, Pete Kim of the California Highway Patrol admitted that it wasn’t a common thing, but it was possible to get a ticket if “you’re blocking traffic or creating a road hazard on the freeway.” (So a bit more pedal, slow-pokes! No two organizations can use the same location for their bingo games in the same week. (Belofsky), 22. Though no officer would enforce the law, and no legal appeal would end in favor of the outdated laws, many are still on the books. It goes to show how bizarre some people are. Grand Forks, North Dakota, forbids the throwing of a snowball on public or private property (City Code Section 9-0123). Yet, similar to what you stated, people driving at slow speeds that impact the flow of traffic can be danger to other drivers on the road. They range from the complete protection of speech to specific and often arcane rules about certain words and phrases. One of the more popular myths is the “law” that lollipops are illegal. Just like the weird laws regarding the sale and serving of alcohol, every state has its own peculiar laws about how you need to behave once you’ve drunk it. (Morrow), 15. And let’s face it, we all make fake email accounts to sign up for extra free trials. If you want to share your login information with grandma so she can watch The Crown, you could face actual jail time. The “spirit” of the law is there, and it says that out of religious respect — mostly to Christians — certain activities, like selling alcohol, should be prohibited on Sundays. Two we turned to for 31 Strange But True Laws That Are Still On The Books!

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