
quality traits of growing rabbits. The value of ash content was less significant (P<0.05) due to different cuts but highly significant (P<0.01) due to age. also provided by the Romans (Zoccarato, 2008). consumer demand (Resurreccion, 2013). Regarding the rest of the bibliography. The mix of garlic powder and salt (GS burgers) showed mixed effects even if more closed to the G burgers than S ones. Cysteine content in MLD in group Z (0.289 ± 0.007 g*100 g-1) was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher than in group C (0.277 ± 0.011 g*100 g-1). Thirty-two 8-week-old crossbred rabbits with an average weight of 614 g were randomly divided into four dietary groups. For each segment, we identified the consumer profile and analysed consumers’ consumption of rabbit meat. It was also found that the mortality rate of rabbits was reduced after advising the farmers on scientific rabbit farming practices. Finally, major packaging solutions for rabbit meat and meat products (ordinary and modified atmosphere, vacuum) are considered. In other words, the positioning is a, representation of the market perception of brands as well. Este documento resumió y presentó casos para la reintroducción del conejo como micro-ganado para la producción de carne y su uso como animal modelo en investigaciones de investigación biológica. This is very useful for the companies due to the wide demand they face. To achieve this, we surveyed 133 people, including 64 rabbit farmers, 11 merchants, 23 restaurant owners and processors and 35 rabbit consumers. food-related lifestyle model, which scholars have shown to be suitable and valid in several countries. “Tasty" was chosen as an intrinsic cue for quality, selection at the point of consumption and “economical”, (price reference) was chosen as an extrinsic cue for, When analysing the image of rabbit meat, nine. In this situation, it, is worth asking how this fresh meat is perceived by, consumers. These two concepts can help us better understand, consumer behaviour towards fresh meat, given the, current situation of the sector due to the changing. The evolution of the zootechnical sector in general and rabbit farming. 44.56 kg of rabbit meat are sold per week. Regarding purchasing criteria, tenderness (58%) and freshness (14%) were chosen by most consumers. Rabbits are herbivores with early maturity, short generation interval, high prolificacy, and ability to utilize forages that abound in rural communities (Ojebiyi et al. This is very useful for the companies due to the wide demand they face. Szendrő. Rapid growth within the husbandry system was related to a higher carcass weight, a better conformation and better eating quality. Many authors point to the growing, importance of this latter group of attributes (V, & Gil (2012) noted that for consumers of rabbit meat, in Catalonia (Spain) the price is considered less impor-, However, non-consumers stated the economic factor, as the main limiting factor for purchasing this kind of. Though they did not eat the mouse meat described in the research paper, they later made and cooked a sample of meat they created from rabbit cells. To date the majority of meat proteomics papers have been published on topics related to beef and pork. Forty-one rabbit farms, three laboratory animal centers and two slaughterhouses were interviewed to study on social network and to reveal current status of meat rabbit production in Central, Western and Eastern … Rabbit meat therefore presented a similar positioning, The nine items used to describe the image of rabbit, measuring instrument. The East and Barcelona, So, we can see how these three areas share culinary, habits and tastes regarding rabbit meat. It was concluded that up to 10% cowpea hull inclusion did not impair the nutrient digestibility and growth performance of rabbits, but improved their health status and reduced the cost of production. “It felt and tasted just like meat,” says Selvaganapathy. (iv) ‘Rational purchaser with little interest in cooking’ (16.2%) has the highest proportion of consumers aged 55 to 74 y old. Coniglicoltura pratica. There has been increasing interest in the welfare of the UK's 1.3 million pet rabbits (PDSA 2015).Previous work towards improving rabbit welfare has focussed on the importance of a good diet (Prebble & Meredith 2014), exercise (Dixon et al. 2011. Processed meat mainly refers to processed red meat but may contain small amounts of processed white meat as well, for example, in sausages. The wholesale cuts were shoulder, rack, loin and leg of each sheep carcass. Overfeeding young females before first mating can lead to conditions of fattiness. Licciardelli, G., and M. Cortese. Cross tabulation results show that gender, employment status and geographical areas are three variables that significantly affect the consumer’s perception and behaviour towards rabbit meat. Rabbit meat, like other white meats, contains only modest amounts of iron (1.3 and 1.1 mg/100 g in the hind leg and loin, respectively; Parigi Bini et al., 1992). IBM Corporation, Armonk NY. related lifestyles and analysis of rabbit meat consumption. Jody Freeland’s research paper about Raw Dog Food vs Kibble Dog Food. The paper presents an analysis of the impact of freezing storage duration (1, 3, 5, and 7 months) and thawing methods, namely, in atmospheric air, water, and using microwave oven on the quality properties of broiler chicken breast meat. Faced with this situation, there is a pressing need to seek appropriate strategies to adapt rabbit meat for consumption by the youngest family members. J. App!. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. CiteScore: 2020: 6.7 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. The meat of CAL rabbits had a higher content of dry matter (p < 0.001), protein (p < 0.001) and unsaturated fatty acids (p = 0.002), higher pH (p < 0.001), and higher taste desirability (p = 0.021) and tenderness (p = 0.046). Zaria. Rabbits are sold at a relatively high price in the Ouémé/Plateau region compared to other regions of the country, due to the higher demand there. The studies were conducted on smoked hams produced in five meat plants (marked by letters from I to V). representing 43.4% of the total ones) and hotels (n=11 representing 25.5% of the total ones) were concerned. After the, data gathering stage, we detected 51 cases with missing, number of cases (Malhotra, 2008), we assumed that the, presence of these cases was totally random. Read More. Sales methods, place preference reasons at producer level, market research goals and strategies and target goals for ensuring marketing organization activities at firm level are examined. Span J Agric Res 14 (2): e01SC01. To the potential customers of the roadside stand, both the meat and the pets are available exclusively for purchase. Research Corridor report provides … Consumer assessment of sensory attributes was performed by panel of 8 persons. On the one hand, the causes of consumption are mainly: good taste (59%) and nutritional value (27%). ... Other kinds of meat and the low amount of time available for cooking are affecting rabbit meat consumption, mostly among young consumers looking for more approachable kinds of food [3]. Statistical analysis indicated that the value of pH, juiciness, dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, calcium, phosphorus and yeast (log value) was highly significant (P< 0.01) due to age and cut. Attendance was good and everyone had a chance to taste the rabbit meat… sex, age, educational level, social class, number of people in the household, presence of children younger than 18 in the home, geographical area and habitual residence. "Pets or meat" is an interesting way of framing the question, because the choice being presented is importantly not one between commodification and noncommodification, but between two fully commodified transactions. They show many different paths that connect plants and animals and consists of many food chains. In this approach it is estimated one utility function per consumer. Market segmentation divides the market into small groups of consumers who share similar characteristics. insemination, the following management procedures are adopted: among nests to reach an average of 8 to 9 kits per nest; From 28 to 45 days of age, a period that var. RESUMEN Antecedentes. Rabbit farmers revealed that they need assistance in market identification, extension service and government support in terms of market creation through the setting up of rabbit meat and fur industries. The importance of intrinsic, empirical application for beef. Their feed requirement is low, especially with regard to demand for grain. The research problem centers on the fact that retail brand owners have to implement strategies of branding and positioning to maintain and enhance their competitiveness. “educational level” and “geographical area” variables. (both wild and domesticated) began spreading to other European regions. Since the 1970s, in some European countries rabbit meat production has progressively become a highly specialized industry, which has made Europe the second (after China) largest rabbit meat producer in the world. In Egypt rabbit meat consumption was estimated at 0.7kg/capita in 1992 (Galal and Khalil, 1994). This demand is growing rapidly as it is increasingly valued by Beninese with modest incomes in search of dietary diversification and limiting cholesterol average. (iii) ‘Out-of-home consumers and convenience shoppers’ (28.6%) mostly consists of consumers aged between 25 and 34 y old and contains a large proportion of upper-class consumers. Elaboración de una, salchicha a partir de carne de conejo. This is because of their minimal investment requirements and ability to reproduce fast. The nutrition of the rabbit. always feasible (Kotler & Armstrong, 2017). two large groups. Abstract: The aim of this research was to study the cuniculture industry in Spain, according to the Food Value Chain model, and analyse what its main operators are. people under 18 yr old) do not consume rabbit meat is the fact that they do not like it (40.9%) and because it is not bought/eaten at home (30.9%). The segment also has the second highest percentage of consumers who rarely or never eat rabbit meat (43.9%). Their utility increased if the peaches were produced in the Calanda area and, especially, when peaches had the PDO Calanda brand. On the other hand, the second group of results, includes those sociodemographic variables for which, describe the image of rabbit meat. It is important to analyse the consumer profile of each type of meat to better adapt the marketing mix to each one. In beef, pork and chicken, Glitsch (2000) found that, considered quality indicators of the three fresh meats, similar outcomes for the same three fresh meats, plus, the country of origin variable as an extrinsic cue for, of meat. Consumers in this segment value neither the freshness nor the price/quality ratio of their food items and consume rabbit meat rarely (39.4%) or sporadically (29.3%). Notably, these three areas, coincided in the above average rating of “Rabbit meat, can be prepared in many ways” and “Rabbit meat is, digestive, it doesn’t sit heavy”. Salt expressed its properties of binding water molecules reducing drip and cooking losses in S and GS burgers. It can also help set the agenda, for other researchers. Aim of study: Commercially, chicken meat has a similar positioning to turkey meat, as both are healthy and low-fat meats. Keywords: Rabbits, Commercialization, Rabbit Meat, Ownership JEL Classification: Q13 Paper Classification: Research Paper Fourth, adapting the labelling/packaging for children to attract attention of both parents and offspring. by exploiting rabbit meat's intrinsic characteristics, such as high protein/low fat content coupled with a balanced n-6 to n-3 PUFA ratio, low cholesterol and heme-iron content. High values were received for housing conditions in Italy, Poland, Hungary and Mexico. Live performance and health status. Performed the statistical. The error was below the desirable limit of 4%, indicated by Cea (2010) in social research. Second, if they already. This work is aimed to evaluate the effect of natural zeolite on selected parameters of the rabbit's meat chemical composition. This preference and attractiveness of rabbit meat over other animal meat sources may be due to its high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, low calorie, sodium, cholesterol, and fat contents. Beef was also associated, to a lesser degree, with “healthy”. rabbit research). in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria) are recognised. The world’s first lab-grown beef burger, the result of years of research by Dutch scientist Mark Post at the University of Maastricht. Several studies (Rao et al., 1978; Sunki et aL, 1978) have indicated that rabbit meat has a high content of protein, but low levels of sodium, fat and cholesterol. can ascertain the competition between brands. Beef was the only meat type significant in both analyses. The study’s aim was to investigate the consumers’ attitude to their preference of rabbit meat in eight countries depending on the production method and its purchase form. To this end, a survey was carried out in Spain mainland with an error of 3.53% and a confidence level of 95.5%. First, they can choose the FRL segments to target and, second, they can define an appropriate marketing strategy according to these segments. The main reason why children (intended as. groups despite its outstanding dietetic properties. First, the development of functional foods for babies and children, such as rabbit meat enriched with ω3 and docosahexaenoic acid. Distribution can follow 2 paths, the traditional channel and the modern or large-scale distribution channel. 1 is the, positioning map obtained for fresh meat. Although, rabbit meat was perceived as more economical than, This may be because consumers associated it with the, most “economical” fresh meat, with more “low fat” (less, fat) and more “healthy”. Intensive reproductive rhythm creates a negative energy balance in does : they are unable to consume enough feed (energy) for the nutritional requirements of foetus and lactation, and therefore lose most of their fat reserves. It can be concluded that the preference of respondents depended on the country. In conclusion, the meat of CAL rabbits slaughtered at 91 days of age can be more mature than the meat of FG rabbits slaughtered at the same age. To identify the consumer perception of rabbit meat in Spain, two marketing tools were used: positioning and image analysis. The results reveal the dominance of firm-specific effects which contribute up to 48.8% to variance in firm profitability while the contribution of industry effects (0.8-4.2%), geographical location (0.1-1.8%), and year effects (0.1-2.5%) is rather small.

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