
Damit ist er etwas größer als der American Cocker Spaniel. Please remember by filling out the questionnaire does NOT guarantee that you will be chosen for a puppy. Mit 12 bis 15 Jahren verfügt der Cocker Spaniel über eine gute Lebenserwartung. HOT GIPSY NIGHT ZŁOTA GROTA BLACK. Welcome to Brandilyn English Cockers where we strive for healthy, merry puppies that are raised in a home environment. Einfach. We are excited to announce a litter of Cocker Spaniels! 45 cm, ca. Andy Finished with a Best of Breed and a Group 3 in May of 2014. "The Engish Cocker Spaniel is an active, merry sporting dog, standing well up at the withers and compactly built. 99090 Erfurt. NEU! 6/2008 Im Tierheim seit: 1/2021 Lord wurde in Portugal auf der Straße gefunden. The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, good-natured, sporting dog standing well up at the withers and compactly built. The Breed Standard and some characteristics. Cocker Spaniel Lexington, Kentucky, United States . American cocker puppies, English Cocker puppies. Puppies stay with the mother a minimum of 10 weeks. $ 2000 . All English Cocker Spaniel found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Although our interest is now the English Cocker, we will always admire the English Setter. Tennessee Valley English Cocker Spaniel Fanciers. Cookie & Goliath All puppies from this litter are reserved. Blarney English Cockers. 2950 Palmela. Gelegentlich haben wir mehrfarbige Welpen abzugeben. Western Reserve Kennel Club. Which brings us to the reason why we started breeding Cocker Spaniels. Breed: English Cocker Spaniel. Home; About Us; Our Dogs. ** NEWS **Best of Opposite Sex, CSFM Regional Specialty 07/13/2017 for Marlo, GCHB Moonrysn's That Girl JH, SH, WD. We are very passionate about this breed and with each breeding we strive to improve the breed. Der Verein für englische und amerikanische Cocker Spaniel stellt sich vor und bietet Informationen zu Deckrüden, Welpen, Züchtern, Terminen und Showerfolgen. We welcome the opportunity to show you our facility and some of our dogs in action. English Cocker puppies may be purchased from a knowledgeable breeder of English Cocker Spaniels. Feel free to contact us via Email or to call us. Shipping is availabl… All of … NEU! Both parents are proven in their abilities and are examined for healthy eyes, joints and disease before being considered. Specializing in all Sporting Breeds including English Springer Spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers and Pointers. Heutzutage zählt er zu den ältesten Hunderassen und macht in der Jagd immer noch eine gute Figur. Both are our very loved and healthy family pets and have great temperament and love people and other animals. NEU! 07/30/2016 Senior Hunter title for Curry. He is now CH Shogun's Blue Of The Night JH, SH, MH. Never purchase a puppy from a retail outlet, pet store or raffle. Die Beine sind gerade und e Der Englische Cocker Spaniel kommt in verschiedenen Farbschlägen vor. Caramilk & Cupper All puppies from this litter are reserved. Our breeding program concentration is on soundness, breed type, and temperament. We love our Cockers, feeling there is nothing better than a well bred Cocker Spaniel for people to have, love and own. Find English Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful English Cocker Spaniel information. The american cocker spaniel is a descendent of the english cocker spaniel, both of which were used for hunting quail and other small birds.english cocker spaniels came to america during the late 19th century, but americans. Norbert Kaiser 98597 Breitungen 036848-80848. . Field Bred English Cocker Spaniel Pups: $2,000. Amawalk English Cocker Spaniels. Die kleinen wurden bei uns so gut behandelt und erzogen, bei... 2.500,- € Welpe. Best in GunDog Sweepstakes CSCA National Specialty 05/03/2017 for Marlo, GCHB Moonrysn's That Girl JH, SH WD. We invite you to enjoy a virtual visit with us and see our dogs. In 2007 we acquired our first English Cocker Spaniel. Dousman, Wisconsin 5+ acres where our dogs live in the house with us but experience the outdoors daily. We are a small hobby kennel breeder of mostly solid colored English Cocker Spaniels. Due May, 2021. The dogs who live with us here at Shogun are our companion house dogs - who are outside a lot of the daylight hours. Find English Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful English Cocker Spaniel information. a journey into the Sporting Dog world. If you are interested in owning a Beach Bum English Cocker Spaniel and would like to be added to our waiting list please fill out the questionnaire below. Schauen Sie sich auf unserer Homepage um und überzeugen Sie sich von der Qualität unserer Zucht. Nonprofit Organization. Our kennel name” Lynann” is a combination of Lynda’s first and middle name. Caromon - english cocker spaniel kennel. English Cocker Spaniel Puppies, English Cocker Spaniels For Sale, English Cocker Spaniel Breeder by Daisymead. Shipping is availabl… AKC German Shepherd Puppies 2596.88 miles. 27, 03205 Calau, Tel. Die Süße Felnasen sind sehr lieb, traumhaft wunderschön und verspielt. National Specialty Winner: 03/13/2014 Best in Specialty Show for Benson, CH Shogun's Coded In Cobol bred by Susan Strinden Hall. Welcome to Kintyre English Cockers where we strive for healthy, merry puppies that are raised in a home environment. Within the next year. "Shelly", Ch. Henley ECS is a small home kennel, breeding sound puppies with the utmost care. Der Englische Cocker Spaniel wird hierzulande einfach "Cocker Spaniel" genannt. Puppies stay with the mother a minimum of 10 weeks. d.o.b. Liebhaberzucht mehrfarbiger English Cocker Spaniels im schönem Ostfriesland. Two males available NOW. iy_2021; im_05; id_16; ih_22; imh_40; i_epoch:1621230027574, py_2021; pm_05; pd_02; ph_03; pmh_39; p_epoch:1619951993162, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Sun May 02 03:39:53 PST 2021; pn_epoch:1619951993162, Mocha at age 2 years. View more . The American Kennel Club recognizes our commitment to excellence in our English Cockers by conferring upon us. 01723 Grund. Cotton & Lindy. 03.01.2020. See puppy pictures, health information and reviews. All English Cocker Spaniel found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Organization. Full breed English Cocker Spaniel puppies are looking for loving family. Over a year from now. eBay Kleinanzeigen: English Cocker Spaniel, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! We've been pretty successful with our English cockers. Tennessee Valley English Cocker Spaniel Fanciers. BLACK BACCARA TARAKIM. Location: Haines, AK. männlich. English Cocker Spaniel: Hier finden Sie die Kontaktdaten von VDH-Mitgliedsvereinen und Züchtern dieser Rasse. english cocker spaniel. English Cocker Spaniel Club of America members choosing to be listed in this breeder … Sports & Recreation. We train our dogs and pursue venues with them as individuals - according to each one's talents and desire to perform, whether it be hunting, tracking, obedience or conformation. They are all raised and live in our home, spending lots of time snuggling on the couch with us. Blarney English Cockers. Find English Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful English Cocker Spaniel information. PLZ 0 CS von der Beyerhöhe Petra von Both, Am Südhang 13a, 01665 Burkardswalde, Tel. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. NEU! NEU! Please fill out our puppy questionnaire if interested in being added to the list. Advertise, Sell, Buy and Rehome Cocker Spaniel Dogs and Puppies with Pets4homes We own, breed, train and love Clumber Spaniels. 565. We try to keep in contact with them all and love receiving pictures and correspondence from their owners. Refer to myself as 'unpaid kennel help', in charge of the 'puppy socialization' department. 07/30/2016 Senior Hunter title for Curry. Have bred & shown the dogs in conformation, obedience, tracking, hunting, and rally. We are excited to announce a litter of Cocker Spaniels! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CLUMBER PUPPY ?Learn as much as you can about the breed before making this decision. NEU! Green Gable Gundogs Website. 035209-22876. . We started breeding with this prefix in 1979. André Stoll & Heike Stephan. Unsere Spaniel Züchter mit ihren aktuellen oder zu erwartenden Würfen. vom Steigerwald. ca. She is now Shogun's Sierra Sue JH. Dover, PA. 17315, USA Tel: (717) 891-7483. GET IN TOUCH... We are always happy to answer questions about the breed and to provideinformation about our upcoming breedings. Breed: German Shepherd. Jennifer started in the Dog World with Skye Terriers at the age of 13, and became an AKC licensed Junior Showmanship Judge at age 18. English cocker spaniel breeder, Puppies available occasionally to pet, show, obedience, tracking or agility homes. AC = American Cocker, CS = Cocker Spaniel, ES = English Springer Spaniel, IW = Irish Water Spaniel, CL = Clumber Spaniel, FS = Field Spaniel, WS = Welsh Springer Spaniel, SS = Sussex Spaniel. These dogs visit frequently and Shogun has remained a second home to them. Der English Cocker Spaniel wurde früher speziell für die Waldschnepfenjagd gezüchtet. English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada 2017 National Specialty. vom Habichtsstein . Award Winning Dogs; Master Hunter; Contact; Contact Us . They are three weeks old and will be ready in November. Mehrfärbig in blau „geschimmelt“, schwarz-weiß „geschimmelt“, schwarz-weiß, orange „geschimmelt“, orange-weiß, braun-weiß und braun „geschimmelt“. No inbreeding in the family tree. Field Bred English Cocker Spaniels Golden Retrievers and English Cocker Spaniels. vom Hexlein . We always want our puppy owners to feelcomfortable asking questions, and communicating when there are problems as well as when there are triumphs ! He is now CH Shogun's Kid Curry JH, SH WDX. GANDALF OF MERRILY ... SHOGUN RENMIL. Page 1 of 4 > >> 49716 Meppen Niedersachsen. Breed: English Cocker Spaniel. So wurden die Vorfahren dieser Hunde schon in der Antike von Kelten und Germanen für die Jagd genutzt. 15 Kg geb. Our Dog Training Facility in Pennsylvania is an easy drive from New Jersey (NJ) and New York (NY) Pottsville, PA 17901 570-628-5067 Beach Bum English Cockers is not only an amazing combination between two homes but a lifetime friendship through our wonderful Breed. Roxi WINTER STAR Caromon. Es ist unser Ziel, gesunde und wesensfeste Hunde, die nicht nur auf Ausstellungen, sondern auch im täglichen Leben glänzen, zu züchten. Brasswinds English Cockers and English Setters. 30.04.21. Multi Best in Show Winners * Multi Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winners* Multi National Specialty Winners. Lokal. Sports Club. Retired computer analyst. Available Dogs; Stud/Bitches; Upcoming Litters; Dog Achievements. Erziehung und Haltung des English Cocker Spaniels. Der English Cocker Spaniel gilt als recht bellfreudig, was seiner eigentlichen Aufgabe als Treib- und Stöberhund geschuldet ist und bei der Haltung in hellhörigen Mehrfamilienhäusern bedacht werden sollte. Gesundheit . Angefangen mit der Cocker Spaniel Zucht im Jahre 2003 kamen 2012 die English Springer Spaniel dazu. They are three weeks old and will be ready in November. In Bayern, genauer gesagt in der tiefsten Oberpfalz, haben wir ein schönes Zuhause für unsere Familie und unsere Spaniels gefunden. Donated by Kuni Smith - Spaniels in the Field. jagdliche Züchter . NEU! NEU! W7283 Walnut Rd, Beaver Dam, WI 53916. Der kleine Spaniel apportiert liebend gerne und weist sein Herrchen im Fall von zu großer Beute auf diese durch Bellen hin. In looking back we have had Cocker Spaniels in our lives now for over 60 years. We can also put you in touch with a Clumber home in your area for a visit. Lord - Mix Cocker Spaniel. AKC Bench Bred English Cocker Spaniels 2485.82 miles. NEU! The English Cocker Spaniel is both playful and refined. Serious inquiries only. WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. Within the next 3 months. 08.01.2021. This has kept us in close contact with owners who wanted assistance showing the dogs and we have also done this for breeding purposes. Home to champion English Cocker Spaniel show dogs and performance dogs ... WB/BOW at the 2009 BC Cocker Specialty Show Mocha's offside at age 2 years. We're Jennifer and John Smith, and have been involved in exhibiting and breeding golden retrievers since 1997. Dogs that we co-own are Alice, Gracie, Curry, Emmy, Pip, Carl, Sparkle, Tori, Ellie, and Melody.Picture galleries of all the dogs can be seen at Otto's pbase site,, CH Shogun's Angelina Ballerina TD (Angelina), AKC/SK CH Shogun's Funky Diva CD TD RN JH SH TDX WDX(Diva), CH Shogun's Blue Of The Night JH SH MH (Bing), BISS GCH Shogun's Coded In Cobol (Benson), GCHB Moonrysn's That Girl JH SH WD (Marlo). Englische Cocker Spaniel sind mit einer Widerristhöhe von rund 40 cm und einem Gewicht von bis zu 14,5 kg mittelgroß und robust. Click here. 663. So lernen unsere Hundekinder z.B.... 4. Eva Männche. Our parents are health tested before being used in our breeding program. Solid colors include red, black, black & tan, and liver. Wir sind bemüht einen vielseitigen, gesunden und wesensfesten English Cocker Spaniel zu züchten, für die liebevollen Menschen, welche so wie wir, Spaß daran haben,... 2. He is alive with energy; his gait is powerful and frictionless, capable both of covering ground effortlessly and penetrating dense cover to flush and retrieve game. Organization. Rock River Kennels. Occasionally we have an adult Clumber available. Cocker Spaniel-Züchter: Cocker Spaniel "of My Sweet Castle Alge" Mo 15.12.2014. Sports Club. Der längliche Kopf besticht durch die charakteristischen langen Hängeohren und eine recht große, eckige Schnauze. Ein English Cocker Spaniel ist ein temperamentvoller, aber auch sensibler Jagdhund. NEU! Best of Opposite Sex, CSFM Regional Specialty 07/13/2017 for, Select Dog CSCA National Specialty 05/04/2017 for, Best in GunDog Sweepstakes CSCA National Specialty 05/03/2017 for, Best Puppy and Reserve Winners Dog, CSCA National Specialty 05/04/2017 for, New Hunting titles: 07/29/2017 Senior Hunter title for. The last thing any reputable breeder wants - is to place a puppy in a home which is not a good fit.Read about the breed on the CSCA website - .Visit a home with Clumbers and talk to experienced owners about the plusesand minuses.Talk to breeders and listen to everything they say. Location: Craig, AK. Our dogs. Once bred as birding dogs, they still have that retriever instinct and mentality, making for an energetic and intelligent pup that excels in competitions. BLACK. Availability. The dogs here at Shogun live in the house with us. English Cocker Spaniel . : (03 52 45) 72 11 90 CS von Nelly's Diamond Carola Grabitz, Töpferstr. 158 talking about this. Reinrassige Englische Cocker Spaniel Welpen, Zwei Mädels (Hündin: Cherry und Nancy) und Zwei Buben (Rüden: Rony und Samy). 06/04/2016 Master Hunter title for Bing. He is now CH Shogun's Blue Of The Night JH, SH, MH. New Hunting titles: 07/29/2017 Senior Hunter title for Marlo. LA BELLE CATRIN ZŁOTA GROTA. … Nonprofit Organization. Navigate. Some helpful hints for Clumber puppy homes. 06/04/2016 Master Hunter title for Bing. AKC Bench Bred English Cocker Spaniels 2485.82 miles. Some of our puppies have gone to homes under co-ownership. English Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada 2017 National Specialty. Find Cocker Spaniel Dogs and Puppies for sale in the UK near me. All English Cocker Spaniel found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Lord Mix Cocker Spaniel - ttelgroß Rüde - kastriert, gechipt, geimpft Schulterhöhe ca.

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